GCE has a goal of raising $500,000, yielding about $20,000 in funds each year that we can grant locally. Think about what that could mean; classroom enrichment, a summer concert series, open space conservation, new sports equipment for local clubs …the possibilities are endless!

Donate electronically today via PayPal or send a check directly to Gray Community Endowment at: 

PO Box 1376
Gray, ME 04039

Give Where You Live!

Your contributions will help make Gray a more healthy, vibrant, sustainable community! And the endowment will continue to grow year after year:

Total GCE Endowment AssetsAnnual Grant Funds Available

Why Donate to Gray Community Endowment?

Why not Gray? A donation to the GCE for the endowment stays with the community for the long term. Grants from the fund will be used in the town to improve the quality of life for everyone who lives here. Keep wealth local – give where you live! Click here to see our endowment brochure.Donations are tax deductible (consult your financial adviser).

What Can be Donated?

Cash, real estate, or stock- just about any type of asset. Check to see if your employer has a policy of matching gifts. Consider making a gift (a bequest) in your will.

What Happens to Donations?

The endowment assets are managed by the Maine Community Foundation (MCF), a statewide public charity. MCF invests the money for GCE. On an annual basis, MCF reports to us on the growth of the assets and the interest we have earned that can be used for local grantmaking. The GCE Board decides how to use the funds through an annual application process.Go to the Maine Community Foundation website to read about the Maine Giving Challenge.